Kim Lohmann always wanted to be a nurse. She was inspired by her mother. “I remember watching my mother getting ready for her shifts in the days when nurses wore white stockings, crisp white long-sleeved shirts and pillbox hats,” says Lohmann. She always admired her mother’s dedication to nursing and grew to appreciate that her career helped people and made a difference.
Lohmann was a nurse at Lakeland Regional Health for 25 years before she began working for Lakeland Surgical & Diagnostic Center in 2001 on an as-needed basis. She joined the team full-time in 2004. She works in the gastroenterology unit preparing patients for procedures and helping them in recovery.
In comparison to working for a hospital, Lohmann has enjoyed taking care of patients who are not in dire situations. “The work at Lakeland Surgical & Diagonstic Center is usually less emotional because the patients we work with are there for elective procedures and screenings. It is a much different atmosphere than working with trauma patients,” Lohmann says. She is encouraged that patients desire to “stay well” through annual visits.
Lohmann does not believe the old adage that “Nursing is a thankless job.” She feels appreciated daily: “Patients thank us; physicians respect us; co-workers lift up one another; and administration supports us. What more could I ask for?”